Bourbon Molasses Gelato

Bourbon Molasses Gelato

Hello friends!

As I write this, it is late July here on the South Carolina coast. Which is to say, the weather is hot and humid. There’s no better time to break out the ice cream maker than right now, and just typing that makes me very happy. I’ve been having fun at work playing around with some different flavors, and this one is a gem. Delicious on it’s own, this gelato is also a great base for inclusions such as blondie pieces, butter-roasted pecans, or even barely-baked chocolat chip cookies.

For anyone who wonders what the difference is between ice cream and gelato: the Food and Drug Administration has very specific guidelines determing what is ice cream, and what isn’t. Based on dairy fat content, ice cream may be labeled as ice cream, reduced fat ice cream, or even premium ice cream. Yes, all those words have regulated meanings. Gelato is not a regulated word, and so selling frozen dessert as gelato allows manufacturers more wiggle room.

Traditionally, gelato has a slightly lower dairy fat content, and a slightly higher sugar content, than most ice creams. It is also churned at a slower speed, adding less air to the finished product. This formula has only a little more sugar, but also has enough dairy fat (about 18%) to qualify as premium ice cream.

32 ounces whole milk

32 ounces heavy cream

16 ounces granulated sugar

1 ounce molasses

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt

1.1 ounces cornstarch

2 ounces sipping-quality bourbon

In the bottom of a dry 3-quart saucepan, stir together the granulated sugar, salt, and cornstarch. Add the 32 ounces of milk, and the ounce of molasses. Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring regularly. Once the mixture comes to a boil, allow it to slow boil for one minute, to ensure the cornstarch is fully cooked. Remove from the heat.

Add the 32 ounces heavy cream, and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Chill thoroughly, ideally overnight. Just before churning, stir in the bourbon.

Freeze according the your ice cream freezer’s recommendations.

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